Well Child Visit Schedule

  • 2-5 Days

    Congratulations! Your baby is finally here. Newborns are wonderful, but exhausting! Having friends or family around to provide extra help and support can be very helpful. Make sure all visitors wash their hands well upon arrival. Your baby’s first visit to our office takes place during his or her first week of life, usually 1-2 days after you are discharged from the hospital.

    We do a lot at this visit, including:

    • Check your baby’s weight
    • Monitor for signs of jaundice
    • Check to see how your baby is feeding
    • Answer questions about your new baby


    • RSV (1 dose in RSV season) 

    Tests/Screens/Assessments: None

    Helpful Info: Changing Diapers, Common Newborn Conditions

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 2 Week Visit

    The 2 week visit (sooner if you have concerns!) is a time to talk about how your family is acclimating to the newest addition. Feeding, bowel habits, and sleeping are common topics. 

    All babies lose weight in the first days of life (up to 10% of birth weight is normal). By this visit, we expect that the weight loss has leveled off and your baby is back to birth weight.

    Please remember that it is important to always put your baby to sleep on his or her back in a flat, firm and separate sleep space to reduce the risk of SIDS. As always, we are here to answer questions and offer anticipatory guidance.

    We do a lot at this visit, including:

    • Measure your baby’s weight, length and head size and record on a growth curve
    • Remind you to give your baby a daily supplement of 400 IU of vitamin D drops, whether you are breastfeeding or formula feeding
    • Screen for postpartum depression


    • RSV (1 dose in RSV season) 

    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Follow up on Newborn Metabolic Screen (done in hospital), Maternal Depression Screen (CPT code 96161), please complete on the patient portal prior to your visit

    Helpful Info: Safe Sleep, Depression During and After Pregnancy

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 2 Month Visit

    Many babies seem more fussy or colicky at this age. Be patient. Colicky babies eventually outgrow their crying phase. Keeping your baby safe is the most important thing you can do. Even if you feel frustrated, handle your baby gently and reach out for help to friends, relatives, or your pediatrician if the crying is getting to be too much. If you need a break and no one is available to help you, place your baby on his/her back gently in a safe space, such as a crib or bassinet, and take a few minutes to calm down.

    We do a lot at this visit, including:

    • Measure your baby’s weight, length, and head size and record on a growth curve
    • Provide your baby’s first set of immunizations. Immunizations are safe, effective, and keep your child and our community healthy. During this visit, you will be able to discuss any questions you may have about immunizations.
    • Screen for postpartum depression


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Maternal Depression Screen (CPT code 96161), please complete on the patient portal prior to your visit

    Helpful Info: How to Calm a Fussy Baby, Colic Relief Tips

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 4 Month Visit

    Your baby is becoming more active and verbal. Be careful not to leave your baby unattended, especially on a bed, couch, or counter. A baby can move faster than you think!

    Babies need only breast milk or iron-fortified formula for the first 4-6 months of life. We will talk at this appointment about the appropriate time to introduce solid foods. In addition, we will discuss setting up your child for a lifetime of healthy sleeping habits by allowing him/her the opportunity to self-calm.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your baby’s weight, length, and head size and record on a growth curve
    • Evaluate developmental milestones
    • Provide your baby’s immunizations
    • Discuss when to start feeding your baby solid foods
    • Discuss safe sleep and allowing the opportunity to self-calm
    • Screen for postpartum depression


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Maternal Depression Screen (CPT code 96161), please complete on the patient portal prior to your visit

    Helpful Info: Signs of Sold Food Readiness When Can I Start Giving my Baby Peanut Butter?

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 6 Month Visit

    Your baby will begin to move more and will be able to sit up independently for short periods of time. Now is the time to start baby-proofing your house if you haven't already done so. You should move the mattress in your baby's crib down to the lowest level.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your baby’s weight, length, and head size and record on a growth curve
    • Evaluate developmental milestones
    • Provide your baby’s immunizations
    • Discuss the introduction of toothbrushing with the first tooth (using a tiny amount of toothpaste with fluoride) after the last feeding of the evening
    • Offer fluoride varnish if tooth eruption has occurred
    • Develop good bedtime habits including " Brush, Book, Bed "
    • Screen for postpartum depression


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Maternal Depression Screen (CPT code 96161), please complete on the patient portal prior to your visit

    Helpful Info: Teething and Tooth Care, How to Share Books with Your 6-8 Month Old, Dosing Charts For Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 9 Month Visit

    Your baby may be starting to crawl, pulling to a stand, and cruising on furniture. Babies will want to touch everything - this is how they learn. This is a messy time! Have fun and be patient.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your baby’s weight, length, and head size and record on a growth curve
    • Evaluate developmental milestones
    • Discuss further developments in feeding, including introducing table foods
    • Discuss dental health and apply fluoride varnish to your baby's teeth
    • Evaluate your baby's risk for lead poisoning and tuberculosis 


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) (CPT code 96110), Fluoride Varnish (CPT code 99188), Lead and TB Risk Assessment, Lead test (if indicated)

    Helpful Info: Childproofing Your Home, Sample Menu for an 8-12 Month Old, Getting Your Baby to Sleep

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 1 Year Visit

    At this age, your baby can transition from breast milk or formula to cow’s milk. However, it is healthy to continue breast milk for your baby, if that is what you prefer. Most babies need 3 meals, 2-3 snacks, and 16-20 ounces of whole cow's milk per day (but should not have more than 24 oz. per day). Your baby will be able to eat many of the foods you eat, but be careful to avoid small, hard foods that can cause choking.

    It is time to wean your child from the bottle and offer all liquids in a sippy cup. It is much easier to wean your child now than if you wait until he/she is older - avoid cavities and additional tears and make the change now!

    Your baby will be outgrowing the infant carrier car seat. Continue to have your baby in a rear-facing car seat until age 2.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your baby’s weight, length, and head size and record on a growth curve
    • Evaluate developmental milestones
    • Provide your baby’s immunizations
    • Discuss dental health and apply fluoride varnish to your baby’s teeth
    • Check your baby's hemoglobin and assess risk for anemia
    • Vision screen for early detection of amblyopic risk factors
    • Celebrate your baby's birthday with you!


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Fluoride Varnish (CPT code 99188), Hemoglobin (CPT codes 85018, 36416), Vision Screen (CPT code 99177)

    Helpful Info: Preventing Aggressive Toddler Behavior, Playing is How Toddlers Learn, Feeding & Nutrition Tips: Your 1-Year-Old

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 15 Month Visit

    Your child may be able to climb and run, so be sure to safety-proof your home.

    Poison control is available 24 hours a day: 1-800-222-1222 - keep this number handy in your cell phone and on your refrigerator.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your baby’s weight, length, and head size and record on a growth curve
    • Evaluate developmental milestones
    • Provide your baby’s immunizations
    • Encourage you to stop any bottle feeding if not already accomplished
    • Discuss dental health and apply fluoride vanish to your baby's teeth


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Fluoride Varnish (CPT code 99188)

    Helpful Info: Choking Prevention, The Active Toddler

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 18 Month Visit

    At 18 months, your child understands much more than he or she can say in words. Use words to describe your child’s feelings and gestures. Read and sing to your child often. When reading, use simple words to talk about the pictures.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your child’s weight, length, and head size and record on a growth curve
    • Provide your baby’s immunizations
    • Review your child's development with you, using the M-CHAT questionnaire (autism screening tool) and the PEDS (Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status)
    • Discuss dental health and apply fluoride varnish to your baby’s teeth (if a dentist has not been seen yet)
    • Discuss temper tantrums and toilet training


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Fluoride Varnish (CPT code 99188), M-CHAT (CPT code 96110), PEDS (CPT code 96110), please complete the M-CHAT on the patient portal prior to your visit; the PEDS will be completed in the office

    Helpful Info: Toddler Growth & Development, Toilet Training, Is Your Toddler Communicating With You?

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 2 Year Visit

    At this age, your 2 year old may go from trying to be independent one minute, to clinging to you the next; this is normal. It is better for toddlers to play than to watch TV. Even having television playing in the background interrupts healthy toddler play - background music is a better choice.

    Being a picky eater is common in toddlers. Don't get in the habit of making your child food that is different than what the rest of the family is eating. It's your job to put healthy food on the table/plate, and the child's job to decide what/how much to eat.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your child’s weight, length, and head size; calculate body mass index and record on a growth curve
    • Most of our patients do not have immunizations due at this visit; however, catch-up immunizations may be needed
    • Review your child’s development with you using the M-CHAT (Autism screening tool) questionnaire
    • Discuss dental health and apply fluoride varnish to your child's teeth (if a dentist has not been seen yet)
    • Vision screen for early detection of vision problems
    • Discuss toilet training and appropriate discipline

    Immunizations: Covid-19/Influenza vaccine (seasonal/1 per year)

    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Fluoride Varnish (CPT code 99188), M-CHAT (CPT code 96110), please complete the M-CHAT on the patient portal prior to the visit, Lead Test (if indicated), Vision Screen (CPT code 99177)

    Helpful Info: Top Tips for Surviving Tantrums, Playground Safety

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 2 1/2 Year Visit

    At this age, your child is firmly in the toddler years. One moment he/she seems so big, and the next still so very small. This is the "do-it-myself" time.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your child’s weight, length, and head size and record on a growth curve
    • Most of our patients do not have immunizations due at this visit
    • Evaluate your child’s development
    • Discuss dental health and apply fluoride varnish to your child's teeth if a dentist has not yet been seen (if they have not yet seen a dentist, they should soon!)
    • Discuss healthy meals/snacks; avoid food pouches and juice


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Fluoride Varnish (CPT code 99188), PEDS Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status (CPT code 96110), this will be completed in the office

    Helpful Info: Snacks for Toddlers, How to Share Books with 2 & 3 Year Olds

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 3 Year Visit

    Your child will likely be moving into a world of make-believe that she creates with her imagination. Toys for dress-up and make-believe are important at this age. Read books, sing songs, and play rhyming games with your child each day.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your child’s weight and height and calculate body mass index; record on a growth curve
    • Measure your child's blood pressure and heart rate
    • Evaluate your child's development
    • Discuss interactions with other children
    • Most of our patients do not have immunizations due at this visit
    • Discuss dental health and apply fluoride varnish to your child's teeth if a dentist has not yet been seen (if they have not yet seen a dentist, they should soon!)
    • Vision screen for early detection of vision problems
    • Discuss developing healthy habits, including healthy eating, regular exercise, and limited screen time


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Fluoride Varnish (CPT code 99188), Vision Screen (CPT code 99177)

    Please Complete Before Your Visit: Developmental Milestones Survey

    Helpful Info: The Power of Play, How to Give a Time-Out, Problematic Toilet Behaviors 

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 4 Year Visit

    Four year olds often like to sing, dance, and act. They like to tell "tall tales" and make up stories. Enjoy these fun moments with your little one!  Parents should continue to help with brushing teeth even though your child will want to do it all by herself.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your child’s weight and height and calculate body mass index; record on a growth curve
    • Measure your child's blood pressure and heart rate
    • Evaluate your child's development
    • Assess your child's hearing and vision
    • Provide your child's immunizations
    • Discuss interaction with peers, preschool, and activities


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Fluoride Varnish, if not seeing dentist regularly (CPT code 99188), Hearing Screen (CPT code 92551), Vision Screen (CPT code 99173)

    Helpful Info: Helping Your Child Learn to Read, Encourage Your Child to Be Physically Active

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 5 Year Visit

    At this age, your child needs more independence. However, you need to set clear limits. A regular bedtime and consistent bedtime routine are important. Be a great role model. Show an interest in what your child is learning.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your child’s weight and height and calculate body mass index; record on a growth curve
    • Measure your child's blood pressure and heart rate
    • Evaluate your child’s development
    • Discuss exercise and nutrition
    • Discuss safety in the car and on bikes/scooters
    • Discuss kindergarten readiness
    • Complete the form for Private or School Physical Examnation of School Age Student


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Fluoride Varnish, if not seeing dentist regularly (CPT code 99188), Hearing Screen (CPT code 92551), Vision Screen (CPT code 99173), Lead and Tuberculosis Risk Assessment

    Please Complete Before Your Visit: Developmental Milestones Survey and TB Risk Survey

    Helpful Info: Is Your Preschooler Ready for Kindergarten? Bicycle Safety

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 6 Year Visit

    Encourage good learning by helping your child organize a distraction-free time to do homework and ensuring eleven hours of sleep each night. Teach your child what to do if there is a fire in your home and have practice fire drills.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your child’s weight and height and calculate body mass index; record on a growth curve
    • Measure your child's blood pressure and heart rate
    • Screen your child's hearing and vision
    • Review your child’s school performance and development
    • Discuss involvement in activities
    • Discuss sleep, exercise, and nutrition
    • Review safety issues


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Hearing Screen (CPT code 92551), Vision Screen (CPT code 99173), Tuberculosis Risk Assessment (if not done at age 5)

    Please Complete Before Your Visit: TB Risk Survey (if not done at age 5)

    Helpful Info: Healthy Sleep Habits, Developing Good Homework Habits

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 7 Year Visit

    Continue to encourage good nutrition and exercise for your child. This is the time he or she is building good health habits for a lifetime! Encourage 5-2-1-0  ( fruits/veggies per day, maximum of hours screen time per day, hour of physicial exercise daily, and no sugary drinks)!

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your child’s weight and height and calculate body mass index; record on a growth curve
    • Measure your child's blood pressure and heart rate
    • Review your child’s school performance and development
    • Discuss involvement in activities
    • Discuss sleep, exercise, and nutrition
    • Review safety issues


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: None at this visit routinely

    Helpful Info: Live 5-2-1-0, Helping Children Handle Stress, 11 Ways to Encourage Your Child to be Physically Active

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 8 Year Visit

    Positive self-image is important as your child begins to enter the changes that come with puberty. Empower him to feel good about himself and his interactions with others. Praise his effort more than the outcome.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your child’s weight and height and calculate body mass index; record on a growth curve
    • Measure your child’s blood pressure and heart rate
    • Screen your child's vision and hearing
    • Review your child’s school performance and development
    • Discuss involvement in activities
    • Discuss sleep, exercise, and nutrition
    • Discuss anticipating pubertal changes
    • Review safety issues


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Hearing Screen (CPT code 92551), Vision Screen (CPT code 99173)

    Helpful Info: Physical Development: What's Normal? What's Not?, Your Child's Self-Esteem

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 9 Year Visit

    Your child is becoming more responsible and will be able to take on more tasks, such as taking care of his/her own room. He or she may also start reading independently for pleasure.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your child’s weight and height and calculate body mass index; record on a growth curve
    • Measure your child’s blood pressure and heart rate
    • Review your child’s school performance and development
    • Discuss involvement in activities
    • Discuss sleep, exercise, and nutrition
    • Review safety issues
    • Discuss cholesterol/lipid screening and why it's important to test between ages 9 and 11

    Immunizations: â€‹ 

    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Lipid Profile testing (completed once between 9-11 years) (CPT codes 83718, 82465, 36416)

    Helpful Info: Cholesterol Levels in Children, 5 Great Reasons to Cook with Your Kids

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 10 Year Visit

    Your ten year old still requires adult supervision when you are away. Watching TV with your child allows you to discuss any controversial topics that may come up, but limit screen time to 2 hours per day. Family mealtime is important to keeping communication open and fostering healthy lives.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your child’s weight and height and calculate body mass index; record on a growth curve
    • Measure your child’s blood pressure and heart rate
    • Screen your child's vision and hearing
    • Provide your child's immunizations
    • Review your child’s school performance and development
    • Discuss involvement in activities and peer relationships
    • Discuss sleep, exercise, and nutrition
    • Discuss expected puberty changes and examine for onset of these changes


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Hearing Screen (CPT code 92551), Vision Screen (CPT code 99173), Lipid Profile testing (completed once between 9-11 years) (CPT codes 83718, 82465, 36416)

    Helpful Info: Physical Development in Boys, Physical Development in Girls, Here's Why Your Preteen Needs the HPV Vaccine

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 11 Year Visit

    Your child may be transitioning to middle school at this age. He or she may be participating in more group activities. Expand your conversations about healthy living practices to include tobacco, drug, and alcohol avoidance.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your child’s weight and height and calculate body mass index; record on a growth curve
    • Measure your child’s blood pressure and heart rate
    • Review your child’s school performance and development
    • Discuss involvement in activities and peer relationships
    • Discuss sleep, exercise, and nutrition
    • Discuss expected puberty changes and how these may differ between peers
    • Discuss use of electronic devices
    • Complete the form for Private or School Physical Examination of School Age Student


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Lipid Profile testing (completed once between 9-11 years) (CPT codes 83718, 82465, 36416)

    Helpful Info: Why to Limit Your Child's Media Use, Connecting with Your Preteen

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 12 Year Visit

    Your child will be in middle school at this age. Continue your conversations about healthy living practices to include tobacco, vaping, drug, and alcohol avoidance. Your child should be able to assume more responsibility for personal hygiene and chores. If she has personal electronic devices, discuss appropriate use and periodically check them with her.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your child’s weight and height and calculate body mass index; record on a growth curve
    • Measure your child’s blood pressure and heart rate
    • Screen your child's vision and hearing
    • Review your child’s school performance and development
    • Discuss involvement in activities and peer relationships
    • Discuss sleep
    • Discuss exercise and nutrition, particularly in relation to increased awareness of body image and diet (including adequate calcium intake)
    • Discuss puberty changes
    • Complete sport physical forms and discuss sport safety (please bring any sport participation forms to the appointment and we will complete at the visit)


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Hearing Screen (CPT code 92551), Vision Screen (CPT code 99173), PHQ9 Patient Depression Questionnaire (CPT code 96127)

    Helpful Info: Drug Abuse Prevention Starts with Parents, Helping Children Handle Stress, Calcium: The Bone Builder Kids & Teens Need

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 13 Year Visit

    Even though friends are becoming more important at this age, having a caring adult to provide a listening ear and from which to obtain accurate health information is equally important. Foster open communication with your child. 

    During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of this visit with the parent out of the room.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your teen’s weight and height and calculate body mass index; record on a growth curve
    • Measure your teen’s blood pressure and heart rate
    • Review your teen's school performance and development
    • Discuss involvement in activities and peer relationships
    • Discuss sleep
    • Discuss exercise and nutrition, particularly in relation to increased awareness of body image and diet (including adequate calcium intake)
    • Discuss puberty changes and periods (with girls)
    • Complete sport physical forms and discuss sport safety (please bring any sport participation forms to the appointment and we will complete at the visit)


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: PHQ9 Patient Depression Questionnaire (CPT code 96127)

    Helpful Info: When to Let Your Teenager Start Dating, A Teenager's Nutritional Needs, Sports Physical: When, Where, Who Should Do It?

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 14 Year Visit

    Your child may be showing an increasing interest in extracurricular activities. Have conversations about risk taking behaviors, driving, alcohol, drug use, family rules and expectations. Discuss media and internet safety. Make certain that your teen has an adult he can confide in if he is unable to communicate with you.

    During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of the visit with the parent out of the room.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your teen’s weight and height and calculate body mass index; record on a growth curve
    • Measure your teen’s blood pressure and heart rate
    • Review your teen's school performance and development
    • Discuss involvement in activities and peer relationships
    • Discuss sleep
    • Discuss exercise and nutrition, particularly in relation to increased awareness of body image and diet
    • Complete sport physical forms and discuss sport safety (please bring any sport participation forms to the appointment and we will complete at the visit)
    • Reinforce healthy choices and risky behavior avoidance


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: PHQ9 Patient Depression Questionnaire (CPT code 96127), CRAFFT Screening Tool for Adolescent Substance Abuse (CPT code 96160)

    Helpful Info: One-on-One Time with the Pediatrician, Ways to Build Your Teenager's Self-Esteem, Share Your Values

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 15 Year Visit

    Your teen may be adjusting to the transition to high school. Development of family relationships continues to be important, but it is also normal for teens to place more and more emphasis on their peer relationships.   Get to know your teen's friends and take advantage of mealtime and time in the car to learn more about what is happening in her busy life.

    During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of the visit with the parent out of the room.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your teen’s weight and height and calculate body mass index; record on a growth curve
    • Measure your teen’s blood pressure and heart rate
    • Screen your teen's hearing and vision
    • Review your teen's school performance and development
    • Discuss involvement in activities and peer relationships
    • Discuss sleep
    • Discuss exercise and nutrition, particularly in relation to increased awareness of body image and diet
    • Complete sport physical forms and discuss sport safety (please bring any sport participation forms to the appointment and we will complete at the visit)
    • Reinforce healthy choices and risky behavior avoidance
    • Perform any recommended yearly screening tests (depending on family history, sexual activity, etc.)


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: Hearing Screen (CPT code 92551), Vision Screen (CPT code 99173), Hemoglobin Test (females) (CPT codes 85018, 36416), PHQ9 Patient Depression Questionnaire (CPT code 96127), CRAFFT Screening Tool for Adolescent Substance Abuse (CPT code 96160)

    Helpful Info: Teen Mental Health: How to Know When Your Child Needs Help, Adolescent Sexuality: Talk the Talk Before They Walk the Walk

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 16 Year Visit

    Congratulations! You are solidly in the teen years! It is exciting to see the wonderful person your child is becoming. Possible conflict can arise at this time as your teen assesses your family values versus those of culture and peers. Keep the lines of communication open and give him additional responsibility while being present for him when he inevitably makes mistakes. Be supportive and allow him to develop resilience and self-pride.

    During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of the visit with the parent out of the room.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your teen’s weight and height and calculate body mass index; record on a growth curve
    • Measure your teen’s blood pressure and heart rate
    • Review your teen's school performance and development
    • Discuss involvement in activities and peer relationships
    • Discuss sleep
    • Discuss exercise and nutrition, particularly in relation to increased awareness of body image and diet
    • Complete sport physical forms and discuss sport safety (please bring any sport participation forms to the appointment and we will complete at the visit)
    • Reinforce healthy choices and risky behavior avoidance
    • Perform any recommended yearly screening tests (depending on family history, sexual activity, etc.)
    • Complete PA driver's permit form (if not done at this well visit, your teen must be present and sign in the presence of the physician at another time)
    • Complete the form for Private or School Physical Examination of School Age Student


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: PHQ9 Patient Depression Questionnaire (CPT code 96127), CRAFFT Screening Tool for Adolescent Substance Abuse (CPT code 96160)

    Helpful Info: A Message to Parents of Teen Drivers, Drug Abuse Prevention Starts with Parents, Helping Your Teen Succeed in School

    Bright Futures Parent Info
  • 17 Year Visit

    Your teen is getting closer to finishing high school and entering the adult world. Making mistakes are a normal part of growing up. Continue to provide emotional support and guidance for her during this time. Give her space to explore her options and follow her passions. Celebrate her for who she is, not what you want her to be. Those years of family dinners will continue to pay off, enabling you to stay involved in your child's life.

    During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of the visit with the parent out of the room.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your teen’s weight and height and calculate body mass index; record on a growth curve
    • Measure your teen’s blood pressure and heart rate
    • Review your teen's school performance and development
    • Discuss involvement in activities and peer relationships
    • Discuss sleep
    • Discuss exercise and nutrition, particularly in relation to increased awareness of body image and diet
    • Complete sport physical forms and discuss sport safety (please bring any sport participation forms to the appointment and we will complete at the visit)
    • Reinforce healthy choices and risky behavior avoidance
    • Perform any recommended yearly screening tests (depending on family history, sexual activity, etc.)
    • Discuss post-graduation hopes, dreams, and plans. If graduating, we will provide a transition letter to adult care


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: PHQ9 Patient Depression Questionnaire (CPT code 96127), CRAFFT Screening Tool for Adolescent Substance Abuse (CPT code 96160)

    Helpful Info: Signs of Teen Dating Violence, Fostering Healthy High Achievers, Are You Over-Helping Your College Bound Teen?

    Bright Futures Patient Info
  • 18 Year Visit and Beyond...

    Your child is now transitioning to adult life! He will still look to you for support and guidance, but will be more on his own when it comes to decision making. Support his autonomy but let him know that you will always be there for him. Hold him accountable for his actions by allowing consequences to happen, but in a loving, non-judgemental manner.

    During the teen years, we provide the opportunity for your teen to have at least a portion of this visit with the parent out of the room.

    At this visit we will:

    • Measure your teen’s weight and height and calculate body mass index; record on a growth curve
    • Measure your teen’s blood pressure and heart rate
    • Review your teen's school performance and development
    • Discuss involvement in activities and peer relationships/dating
    • Discuss sleep, exercise, and nutrition, making healthy habits for life
    • Reinforce healthy choices and risk behavior avoidance
    • Perform any recommended yearly screening tests (depending on family history, sexual activity, etc.)
    • Discuss post-graduation hopes, dreams, and plans
    • Provide our transition brochure to adult care
    • Fill out any college medical forms

    It's been our privelege to care for your young adult and be a part of his/her growth and development. Best wishes for a happy and healthy life!


    Tests/Screens/Assessments: PHQ9 Patient Depression Questionnaire (CPT code 96127), CRAFFT Screening Tool for Adolescent Substance Abuse (CPT code 96160)

    Helpful Info: Next Stop Adulthood, Tips to Support Your Graduating Teen, Healthcare for College Students

    Bright Futures Parent Info
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