If you have school, sports, daycare or any other type of form that you need us to complete, please bring it with you to your child's well visit. If we need to complete a form at any time other than at a scheduled well visit, please see the list below or call our office to determine if an appointment is needed, and if so, what type of appointment.
There is a $10 fee for all form visits (maximum of 2 forms) and a maximum 48-hour turnaround time; our goal is to provide the highest quality medical care and it takes time, attention to detail, and knowledge to complete patient forms. Once the form is completed, we will either return it to you securely through your patient portal, or you may pick it up in person at our office. If you prefer, when you provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope along with your form, we will mail it back to you. Form visits are not submitted to insurance, so there is no insurance co-pay for this type of visit.
We cannot complete a form if your child has not had a well visit within the past year. In this case, we will schedule a well visit appointment for you as soon as possible, and complete the form at that visit (no form fee, maximum of 2 forms).