The Child Health Insurance Program
(CHIP) is a partnership between state and federal goverments to provide health insurance for children from working families with incomes too high too qualify for Medicaid but to low to afford private coverage.
Health Hippo
provides hundreds of links to policy and regulatory information related to health care.
Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(CMS) is the federal agency which manages Medicare, Medicaid and Child Health Insurance programs. Click on the information clearinghouse section for a list of HCFA publications.
Social Security Administration
online answers a lot of questions about benefits, who qualifies for benefits as well as local offices.
Department Of Regulatory Agencies
- Contact your state department for any additional information. For example Colorado offers the following: www.dora.state.co.us, a great online brochure "What Happens When Your Health Insurance Says No".
Family Voices Publication List
"Managed Care for Children with SHCN" is a wonderful brochure explaining managed care as well as what kind of questions to ask about your insurance coverage.
1824 Good Hope Road, Suite 201
Phone: 717-791-2680
Fax: 717-791-2686
Hours: M-F 7:50am - 4:30pm
(Weekends by Appointment)
AAP Healthy Children Website Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item Link1824 Good Hope Road, Suite 201
Enola, PA 17025
Phone: 717-791-2680
Fax: 717-791-2686
Hours: M-F 7:50am - 4:30pm
(Weekends by Appointment)
25 West Shore Drive
Camp Hill, PA 17011
Phone: 717-791-2680
Fax: 717-909-6803
Hours: M-F 7:50am - 4:30pm